Friday, July 31, 2009

Day 26 Part Two


Just as usual the night went- not as planned. Not even close actually. I skipped yoga and went to see Twilight (of course) with Laura at El Sano Banano and she LOVED it! I love that she loved it- that makes my life! Before El Sano we went shopping. It was SO fun. We bartered and I used my trusty mag light. Javier hooked me up with a string for my pendant. Jondi, hooked me up with an anklet. I also got a really cute pearl ring. I had been looking for a long time for a ring for my left hand, just to replace one that I used to wear. I had found a beautiful pink stone in the jewelry store a couple of weeks ago but it was gone. So I got this pearl one and really really like it. It was a lot of fun with Laura.
We then went back to our trusty reserved table at El Sano..Twilight. Enough said!
So after El Sano- we went to go meet up with Amanda for fire poi. She didn't show. We waited and waited and waited. Pablo was there chatting with us. He was telling us how he and Stephanie broke up. He was wearing the shirt Chris left him (so cute!). I felt bad for him.
Eventually Amanda showed up after everyone left. I had waited so long that I wasn't excited anymore. I was tired and had gotten nervous. I needed to just do it and that opportunity had long gone. Amanda lit up and then Alicia. Amanda handed me her poi and I took over. I sucked. I was just not feeling it. I got really nervous and froze. I need a set routine because you forget things you want to try. She had a different type of poi then mine so I'm telling myself it was the poi and not the fact that they were on fire that Is stunk. Tomorrow night is the bonfire so I'm hoping it will be better!
After hanging around for a bit, Lorien Anne and I walked home. I was exhausted. I have to pack tomorrow. That breaks my heart. I'm just not ready. Not even close!

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