Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Day 23 Part 2

I had another blog posting completely written- but I then decided….. No. I just don’t think it’s worth it. I may use it later but until then… here is what ya get. Well.. Here is part two- I cut some of part one out.

I didn’t go to yoga because of the immense pain that is my back.

Dear sunburn,
Please go away, or even better, please turn into a really nice tan. You really hurt and I can’t wear a bra with out feeling like death.
Your Body

So I hung out in my room and chatted with my mum on ichat until everyone got home from yoga. (not the worse class to have missed from what I am told so that is fabulous)

Laura came in and said “let’s go time for happy hour!” We organized a happy hour at the hotel restaurant to get to know all of the new students- well to our surprise, none of the new students came. Hahah It was ok though because we had an AWESOME group.
I finally had some decent ice cream. It was amazing. Helados con chocolate sauce Y chantilly.
We just hung out and talked until the group dwindled down. Candace told me she’s a euchre player and I almost lost my $***. No one else knew how to play ☹. We got speakers and an ipod and the girls were like what’s good poi music… I sat there silently thinking to myself (BRITNEY BRITNEY BRITNEY) and then Candace was like… what about Britney and I like JUMPED out of my seat screaming YES- I’ll get it. I was the only one doing poi but it was SO great. I was sweating bullets in a little blue tank with pink Vs undies on. That’s why I love it being all girls- it’s exactly like a sorority. The only difference is we actually like each other. I learned so much tonight practicing. This is my week to master poi. I’m going to buy my fire poi tomorrow. EEK. Alicia and Kevin stopped by and she taught me some more moves. She’s just fantastic and I really hope I can be as good as she is. Erin got tipsy and then started working her moves. She really is a lot better when she is drinking. Significantly! Lol
They eventually left and it was Laura, Anne, Me, Erin, Nicki and Candace. We just chatted- well I was kinda off in my own world singing and dancing to whatever pop song I could find. You know it was bad when at one point I was belting out Hannah Montana. (Thanks Nat!)
Eventually after a couple hours of poi, I finally sat down to chat. I actually didn’t even sit down- I was just kind of standing there swinging my poi but not anything special. Laura and Erin were saying how I am such an inspiration and they see something in my smile that sets me apart from the average person. Laura said that while we were on the banana boat- I was just too happy for words and my smile sets me apart because I have such an appreciation for life and you can see it in my smile.
I feel so open here, like for the first time I can really be me. I feel like the girls here are so real and actually have my best interests at heart. I almost got teary eyed today because it was like I will miss this place more than life. It’s not even worth staying because I think what makes Montezuma so special to me is not the place it’s self and not the things I’m doing- but the people I’m doing and experiencing all this with.
Favorite things from tonight-
FTFO of course- (don’t worry Laura, I’m determined for it to catch on)
She is a HOTT MESS! (Erin)
Almost breaking all the lights in the restaurant with our poi. PORN POI!
It was just such a good night. Amazing….
Came up, showered and now bed!

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