Saturday, July 25, 2009

Day 21

So I woke up this morning feeling blah... I tried to get through it because I knew I had the waterfall hike ahead of me. So I went to breakfast with Erin. I had the fruit pancakes and legit had maybe 5 bites. Erin knew I looked and felt like ass so told me to go to bed and I did. This was at 11:30. I woke up at 4:30. I have been in the bathroom ALL day. I can't eat because it doesn't enjoy being in my stomach. I'm forcing myself to drink and all in all its not a great situation. But I am in Montezuma Costa Rica. There is no reason to let this minor setback ruin my trip!

Oh and this morning when I woke up- I noticed something moving on my pillow. A tiny tiny gecko was sleeping with me. I was too tired to freak out so I trudged into the balcony in panties and a tank and just was like "uhhh there's a gecko on my pillow- I can't even deal" in the most monotone voice ever. Laura came and got him out for me.

So tonight I have two options. The Movie at the toucan movie house is "Benjamin Button" or it is Robyn's last night and we're throwing a going away dinner at Cocolores. So I think I'm going to try and get to at least one of them so I feel productive.
I am sitting out on the balcony right now and I don't know if I blogged about this yesterday but we saw a Monkey parade. It was SO amazing- there were like 50 monkeys right on the roof of the school right underneath our balcony. The roof's here are metal so they were jumping up and down making all this noise. There were babies on backs and then just babies and moms and dads. It was So cute. I also saw some pretty cool lizards this morning. They were MASSIVE. See thats a plus to my day.

Tomorrow should be a lot of fun. We booked a snorkeling trip too Tortuga Island. We chartered a private boat with a tour guide and we will get a 45 minute boat ride to the island. It will be nice to see the shore from the ocean. Every once in a while people see whales and usually everyday people see dolphins so fingers crossed for me. I'm excited to go snorkeling. It will be nice to go with people who wont have panic attacks in the water... cough cough mom cough. It's nice because they will take us out and cook us lunch and it just sounds like a really fun day. So I'm really looking forward to it.

SO I went to Cocolores tonight with the girls and it was so much fun. I had no energy but it was ok. I went with Erin, Kylie, Jeanie, Robyn, Lorrien and Laura. We had so much fun. It's sad that its Robyn's last night. It was a scene just out of sex and the city. Swapping sex stories... (I now know whose a part of the mile high club and how to join it!) We talked about Lazer hair removal, didn't sound too appealing. It was just fun. They all had cocktails and I had a virgin pina coloda. I also had a greek salad which apparently was a real greek salad because it didnt have lettuce. I kinda missed the lettuce and am now starving. Also I didn't eat all day because of my lovely stomach bug which I'm hoping is gone.

I placed my order for lunch tomorrow- mahi mahi. YUM I can't wait for our day at tortuga! I'm off to bed ~ ciao

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